We understand that your website will need to change and grow as your company changes and grows. That's why we provide a number of options for you to choose to create the perfect solution for you no matter what stage your business is currently.

Our flexible support plans can be used for training so you can learn to make your own updates, or to allow us to make the updates for you. 

Our Managed Service Plans provide at least weekly checks and updates for a full year of total piece of mind.

Support Plans

Support plans offer a set amount of time that can be utilized for various services, including training, website updates, adding features, and making changes to your site. Without a support plan, these services are charged at our standard rate of $125 per hour, with a minimum billing time of one hour. However, by opting for a Support plan, you effectively lower your support cost by prepaying for support time, which is then deducted in quarter-hour increments of billing time. The time you purchase in a Support plan does not expire until it's fully used. You can renew your Support plan as frequently as needed. We offer three different plans for you to choose from:


3-hour support plan


6-hour support plan


1-hour per month

“Each package is a one time charge that does not expire.”

Maintenance Plan

In addition to the annual hosting plan, a Maintenance Service Plan (MSP) is strongly recommended for all WordPress websites. A MSP provides weekly checks and update of all WordPress application, theme and plugin files. Plan includes additional daily backup and monthly performance and security checks in addition to our regularly scheduled daily backups with 4-week retention. With these plans we can go back up to 1 year to restore a site if necessary. Premium plugins must have current licensed maintenance plans to allow us to keep them updated with the most current versions.